Qusay Hussein

Scott Manning
July 22, 2003 | Comments (0)

KILLED: Qusay Hussein
On July 24, 2003, in response to disbelief that the US had actually bagged Saddam's sons, the US released some photographic proof.
Location Mosul, Iraq
Status Killed by the US 101st Airborne
Date July 22, 2003
Aliases Sami Muhammad Ali Said al-Jaaf. Some spell his first name as
Card Ace of Clubs
Value Half of a $30 million bounty

On July 22, 2003, Qusay Hussein was killed by the US 101st Airborne Division in northeast Mosul, Iraq. A nearly 4-hour raid on Qusay and Uday's palace involved more than 200 US troops. The US was offering $30 million for information that led to the capture or killing Saddam's sons.

On July 30, 2003, Saddam Hussein released a tape saying he vowed to avenge his sons by defeating the US.

Qusay was the head the internal security forces, possibly the Iraqi Intelligence Service (SSO) and had some authority over the Iraqi Republican Guard and other Iraqi military units. Idolizing his father, he was responsible for exterminating Shi'ite uprisings in the country. The exterminations included herding 100's of people out into a field and ordering troops to shoot them. (Source)

He is the Ace of Clubs in the U.S. playing card deck of most-wanted Iraqis.

Qusay Hussein's is also known as Sami Muhammad Ali Said al-Jaaf. Some spell his first name as "Qusai".

Death brings confidence in Iraq
On August 5, 2003, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said, "With the deaths of Uday and Qusay Hussein last month, confidence is growing in Iraq that the Ba'athists will not be returning to power. As a result, more Iraqis are coming forward to help the coalition as the coalition works to get the country back on a path of stability and self-government. And the people coming in are providing helpful information as the coalition deals with the remnants of the Ba'ath regime that are seeking to undermine their progress."

Media stories
Pentagon: Saddam's sons killed in raid
Military Commander Details Mission That Killed Hussein's Sons

Related links
Photo Essay of the US attack on the Uday and Qusay House
Photo Essay on the Damage to Uday and Qusay House
US Troops removing Qusay and Oday's bodies (WARNING: Graphic pictures)


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